mai 29

Il y a bien longtemps que je ne vous avez pas présenté une application en mode texte ! Voici donc Poezio, un client de messagerie instantanée utilisant le protocole XMPP.

L’utilisation de cette application est assez similaire à Irssi ou encore Weechat : On aime ou on déteste, personnellement j’adore ! C’est simple, léger et efficace, Poezio ne fait qu’une chose mais la fait bien.

Le but premier de ce client est de permettre à l’utilisateur de se connecter rapidement au réseau sans avoir besoin d’effectuer une création de compte. Pour faire simple, on lance l’application puis on rejoint les divers salons…

Bien évidement, si vous possédez un compte Jabber, il est tout à fait possible de l’utiliser afin de récupérer votre liste de contacts : Il suffit d’effectuer une petite modification dans le fichier de configuration et le tour est joué !


Installation :

Très simple, un petit coup de yaourt sera suffisant :

$ yaourt -S poezio

Pour lancer le client :

$ poezio

Configuration :

La configuration de Poezio se fait via le fichier poezio.cfg. Il a l’avantage d’être allègrement commenté ce qui facilite grandement sa compréhension. Comme exemple, je vous livre ici mon fichier qui me permet de me connecter à mon compte Jabber ainsi qu’à différents salons :

$ vim ~/.config/poezio/poezio.cfg
# This is the default config for the XMPP client Poezio.
# Comments should be on their own line and NOT at the end
# of a meaningful line.
# the server. Make sure the server you're using accepts anonymous authentification
#server =
# the port you'll use to connect
port = 5222
# the resource you will use
# If it's empty, your resource will be chosen (most likely randomly) by the server
# It is not recommended to use a resource that is easy to guess, because it can lead
# to presence leak.
resource = ArchDesktop
# the nick you will use when joining a room with no associated nick
# If this is empty, the $USER environnement variable will be used
default_nick = weedfast
# Jabber identifiant. Specify it only if you want to connect using an existing
# account on a server. This is optional and useful only for some features,
# like room administration, nickname registration.
# The 'server' option will be ignored if you specify a JID (Jabber identifiant)
# It should be in the form nickname@server.tld
jid =
# A password is needed only if you specified a jid. It will be ignored otherwise
# If you leave this empty, the password will be asked at each startup
password = *********
# the rooms you will join automatically on startup, with associated nickname or not
# format : room@server.tld/nickname:room2@server.tld/nickname2
# default_nick will be used if "/nickname" is not specified
rooms =
# the completion type you will use to complete nicknames
# if "normal", complete the entire name to the first available completion
# and then cycle through the possible completion with the next TABs
# if "shell", if there's more than one nick for this completion, complete
# only the part that all then nicks have in common (like in a shell)
completion = normal
# what will be put after the name, when using autocompletion
# a SPACE will always be added after that
after_completion = :
# a list of words (separated by a semicolon (:)) that will be
# highlighted if said by someone on a room
highlight_on =
# Set a number for this setting.
# The join OR status-change notices will be
# displayed according to this number.
# -1: the notices will ALWAYS be displayed
#  0: the notices will NEVER be displayed
#  n: On any other number, the notices will only be displayed
#     if the user involved has talked since the last n seconds
# The quit messages will be hidden only if hide_exit_join is 0
# if the value is incorrect, -1 is assumed
# Default settings are :
# - all quit and join notices will be displayed
# - status changes won't be displayed unless
#   the user talked in the last 2 minutes
hide_exit_join = -1
hide_status_change = 120
# set to 'true' if you want to automatically rejoin the
# room when you're kicked
autorejoin = true
# If you want poezio to join
# the room with an alternative nickname when
# your nickname is already in use in the room you
# wanted to join, put a non-empty value.
# Else, poezio won't join the room
# This value will be added to your nickname to
# create the alternative nickname.
# For example, if you set "_", and wanted to use
# the nickname "john", your alternative nickname
# will be "john_"
alternative_nickname = weedfast_
# Limit the number of messages you want to receive when the
# multiuserchat rooms send you recent history
# 0: You won't receive any
# -1: You will receive the maximum (default)
# n: You will receive at most n messages
muc_history_length = -1
# set to 'true' if you want to save logs of all the messages
# in files.
use_log = false
# If log_dir is not set, logs will be saved in $XDG_DATA_HOME/poezio/logs,
# i.e. in ~/.local/share/poezio/logs/. So, you should specify the directory
# you want to use instead. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist
log_dir =
# the full path to the photo (avatar) you want to use
# it should be less than 16Ko
# The avatar is not set by default, because it slows
# poezio's startup a little. Uncomment if you want the default avatar
#photo = ../data/poezio_80.png
# If you want to show all the tabs in the Tab bar, even those
# with no activity, set to true. Else, set to false
show_inactive_tabs = true
# Theme
# If themes_dir is not set, logs will searched for in $XDG_DATA_HOME/poezio/themes,
# i.e. in ~/.local/share/poezio/themes/. Si you should specify the directory you
# want to use instead. This directory will be created at startup if it doesn't
# exist
themes_dir =
# The name of the theme file that will be used. The file should be located
# in the theme_dir directory.
# If the file is not found (or no filename is specified) the default
# theme will be used instead
theme = poezio
# if true, information about the software (name and version)
# will be sent if requested by anyone
# Set to false if you don't want people to know these information
send_poezio_info = true
# if true, information about the Operation System you're using
# will be sent when requested by anyone
# Set to false if you don't want people to know these information
# Note that this information will not be sent if send_poezio_info is False
send_os_info = true
# if true, your current time will be sent if asked
# Set to false if you don't want people to know that information
send_time = true
# You should not edit this section, it is just used by poezio
# to save various data across restarts
folded_roster_groups =
info_win_height = 2

Encore une application parfaite pour un tiling manager !

Liens :

Dans la même catégorie :


écrit par David Lopes Ferreira

6 commentaires à “XMPP avec le client Poezio”

  1. MCMic Dit:

    Tu as mal lu l’explication sur le alternative nickname, il faut mettre juste « _ » ou ton pseudo sera weedfastweedfast_ :-P

    Sinon poezio parvient pas à se connecter chez moi, je me demande s’il utilise bien la variable port quand un jid est spécifié.

  2. David Lopes Ferreira Dit:

    @MCMic : Merci pour l’astuce ! Pour information je n’ai pas rencontré les problèmes que tu cites.

  3. louiz’ Dit:

    Oui, j’avais remarqué ça, pour le truc du alternative nick, mais j’ai oublié de te le dire :p

    MCMic, pour ton problème, ça m’intéresse, n’hésite pas à passer sur le salon quand tu veux pour le décrire plus précisément.
    ( si tu n’as pas de client)

    Sinon, poezio c’est cool. Et chouette article.

  4. David Lopes Ferreira Dit:

    @louiz’ : Excellent travail dans tout les cas !

  5. lepetit Dit:

    qu’a t’il de plus que mcabber ?

  6. louiz’ Dit:

    Une liste des participants sur la droite, dans les salons de discussions, les chatstates dans les salons, par exemple, /recolor, des jolies couleurs, etc

    Mais le mieux est de le tester par toi-même. Poezio convient mieux à certaines personnes, mais il peut également lui manquer certaines fonctionnalités que certains pourraient considérer comme indispensables…
    (et dans ce cas, n’hésite pas à faire un ticket sur le bug tracker pour demander cette fonctionnalité :p).

    C’est une question de goûts, moi, par exemple, je ne supporte pas mcabber, pourtant d’autres l’aiment bien.

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